Operation of electrosynthesis reactors with 60 Hz transmission power modulates the electrode potential as a sine wave with no dc offset voltage. Alternating polarity alternating voltage (APAV) describes the synthesis because an electrode changes polarity every half cycle. In APAV electrosynthesis, products from electrode reactions must be removed from the electrode to prevent back reaction and loss of net current efficiency before the next half-cycle. An experimental study was made of the bromine current efficiency in the indirect electrosynthesis of alkene oxides. Reduction of soluble electrogenerated bromine at polarity reversal decreased the current efficiency for the production of bromine. High mass transfer, rapid homogeneous reaction, and low current density conditions produced high bromine current efficiencies. Bromine current efficiency was correlated as a function of three dimensionless numbers incorporating the homogeneous reaction rate constant, mass transfer coefficient, frequency, average current density, and exchange current density. A mass transfer criterion predicted process conditions required to produce bromine at 95% current efficiency. The correlations were applied to determine the suitability of a candidate chemical pathway for APAV electrosynthesis. Electrogenerated species in direct and indirect syntheses can be produced at 95% current efficiency with km/(D~) ~ above 5.6. Electrogenerated species in indirect syntheses with rapid homogeneous reactions can be produced at 50 to 95% current efficiency with 0.