A series of mono-, bis-, tris-, and tetrakis-(porphinato)zinc(II) (PZn)-elaborated ruthenium(II) bis(terpyridine) (Ru) complexes has been synthesized in which an ethyne unit connects the macrocycle meso carbon atom to terpyridyl (tpy) 4-, 4′-, and 4″-positions. These supermolecular chromophores, based on the ruthenium(II) [5-(4′-ethynyl-(2,2′;6′,2″-terpyridinyl))-10,20-bis(2′,6′-bis(3,3-dimethyl-1-butyloxy)phenyl)porphinato]zinc(II)-(2,2′;6′,2″-terpyridine) 2+ bishexafluorophosphate (RuPZn) archetype, evince strong mixing of the PZn-based oscillator strength with ruthenium terpyridyl charge resonance bands. Potentiometric and linear absorption spectroscopic data indicate that for structures in which multiple PZn moieties are linked via ethynes to a [Ru(tpy) 2 ] 2+ core, little electronic coupling is manifest between PZn units, regardless of whether they are located on the same or opposite tpy ligand. Congruent with these experiments, pump-probe transient absorption studies suggest that the individual RuPZn fragments of these structures exhibit, at best, only modest excited-state electronic interactions that derive from factors other than the dipole-dipole interactions of these strong oscillators; this approximate independent character of the component RuPZn oscillators enables fabrication of NLO multipoles with extraordinary hyperpolarizabilities.Dynamic hyperpolarizability (β λ ) values and depolarization ratios (ρ) were determined from hyper-Rayleigh light scattering (HRS) measurements carried out at an incident irradiation wavelength (λ inc ) of 1300 nm. The depolarization ratio data provide an experimental measure of chromophore optical symmetry; appropriate coupling of multiple charge-transfer oscillators produces structures having enormous averaged hyperpolarizabilities (β HRS values), while evolving (PF 6 ) 2 possessing a β HRS value at 1300 nm more than a factor of three larger than that determined for any chromophore having octopolar symmetry examined to date. Because NLO octopoles possess omnidirectional NLO responses while circumventing the electrostatic interactions that drive bulk-phase centrosymmetry for NLO dipoles at high chromophore concentrations, the advent of octopolar NLO chromophores having vastly superior β HRS values at technologically important wavelengths will motivate new experimental approaches to achieve acentric order in both bulk-phase and thin film structures.