A B S T R A C T Previous studies have shown that a small but significant proportion of radioiodine from labeled L-thyroxine (T4) and 3,5,3'-triiodo-L-thyronine (Ts) is incorporated into plasma and tissue proteins and is not, therefore, extractable with ethanol or other organic solvents. Other studies have shown that the complex consists, at least in part, of the iodothyronine in apparent covalent linkage with protein. In the present series of experiments the disappearance rate of nonextractable iodine (NEI) was determined in plasma, liver, and kidney after the injection of rats with a single dose of T4 and Ts labeled with radioiodine in the phenolic ring.The ti of NEI decay was substantially longer than the tj of the initial metabolic removal of T4 (16 hr) and Ts (4-6 hr). Thus, between days 3 and 11 the average tj of plasma NEI derived from T4 was 2.2 days, from T3, 1.9 days; kidney NEI from T4, 7.4 days, from Ts, 6.1 days; hepatic NEI from T4, 4.3 days, from Ts, 5.2 days.The slow disappearance of liver NEI was of special interest in connection with an analysis of previously published data by Tata and associates dealing with the sequential tissue effects after the injection of a single dose of Ts into thyroidectomnized rats. The tj of decay of the various biological effects measured, primarily in the liver, appeared similar to each other, averaging between 4 and 6 days. jected with 25 iyg of T3) was found to be 4.5 days. The coincidence in the slow fractional disappearance rates of hepatic NEI and the dissipation of hormonal tissue effects raises the distinct possibility that T3 interacts with specific cellular receptor sites to form covalent complexes which are slowly removed and serve both to initiate and to perpetuate hormonal action. A mathematical analysis of hormonal reaction mechanisms, based on the assumption of a linearly responsive system, a tA of Ts of 4 hr, and a tj of 4.5 days for the postulated long-lived "messenger" suggests that maximal expression of hormonal activity cannot be attained before 20 hr after the injection of a hormone pulse. This value is broadly consonant with the observed data accumulated by Tata and associates. The existence of a long-lived messenger, possibly a species of NEI, would therefore explain not only the slow dissipation of hormonal effects but also the wellrecognized "lag-time" in the expression of hormonal action.Efforts were also made to define the relationship between extractable and nonextractable radioactivity in the plasma and tissue samples analyzed. The ratio of extractable radioactivity in plasma to extractable radioactivity in tissue became constant shortly after the injection of T8 and T4. The fractional disappearance of extractable radioactivity showed a progressive slowing over the course of the first 10 days after the injection. The distribution of extractable radioactivity between plasma and tissues was compatible with the known partition of exchangeable To and Ts. In the case of Ts, di-
2796The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 51 November 1972 ...