X-ray fluorescence tomography promises to map elemental distributions in unstained and unfixed biological specimens in three dimensions at high resolution and sensitivity, offering unparalleled insight in medical, biological, and environmental sciences. X-ray fluorescence tomography of biological specimens has been viewed as impractical-and perhaps even impossible for routine application-due to the large time required for scanning tomography and significant radiation dose delivered to the specimen during the imaging process. Here, we demonstrate submicron resolution X-ray fluorescence tomography of a whole unstained biological specimen, quantifying three-dimensional distributions of the elements Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn in the freshwater diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana with 400-nm resolution, improving the spatial resolution by over an order of magnitude. The resulting maps faithfully reproduce cellular structure revealing unexpected patterns that may elucidate the role of metals in diatom biology and of diatoms in global element cycles. With anticipated improvements in data acquisition and detector sensitivity, such measurements could become routine in the near future.diatom | trace element distributions | X-ray fluorescence tomography A ccurate descriptions of elemental distributions within cells are required to address a wide range of key questions in the medical, biological, and environmental sciences. Element distributions can provide clues regarding biochemical function and indicate mechanisms by which trace elements act as carcinogens at the cellular level (1). Interactions between cells, such as pathogenicity, can be understood as a competition between host and parasite for critical trace elements (2). In the environmental sciences, the location of elements within cells can affect how those elements are accumulated up food chains (3). On a global scale, elemental composition of planktonic algae-particularly those prone to sink from surface waters-determines in part the amount of carbon that can be fixed by the ocean and, thus, the potential for storage of atmospheric CO 2 within deep waters (4).Scanning X-ray fluorescence microprobes have been used to map 2D projected elemental distributions over length scales ranging from under 1 μm to tens of millimetres, covering cells, small multicellular organisms, and larger sectioned specimens. The resolution and sensitivity of X-ray fluorescence microprobes extends below 60 nm (5) and several thousand atoms (6). Although single-atom sensitivity at Ångström length-scales has been demonstrated in the electron microscope (7) and single-molecule sensitivity in the range of 20 nm by optical fluorescence methods (8), the high penetration of X-rays suits them ideally to the investigation of trace elements in whole, unsectioned biological systems without staining.The interpretation of 2D projected elemental maps of 3D structures can be ambiguous. X-ray fluorescence tomography (9) promises unambiguous localization of elements. It has been used to obtain virt...