Physical activity and diet are well-established modifiable factors that influence chronic disease risk. We developed a selectively bred, polygenic model for high and low voluntary running (HVR and LVR, respectively) distances. After 8 generations, large differences in running distance were noted. Despite these inherent behavioral differences in physical activity levels, it is unknown whether HVR rats would be inherently protected from diet-induced metabolic dysfunction.
The aim of this study was to determine whether HVR rats without voluntary running wheels would be inherently protected from diet-induced metabolic dysfunction.
Young HVR, LVR, and a wild-type (WT) control group were housed with no running wheel access and fed either a normal diet (ND) or a high-sugar/fat Western diet (WD) for 8 wk. Body weight, percentage body fat (by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan), blood lipids [total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglycerides (TGs), nonesterified fatty acids], and hepatic TG content were measured, and indices of insulin sensitivity were determined via an intravenous glucose tolerance test. Additionally, weekly energy intake and feed efficiency were calculated.
After 8 wk, significant differences in body weight and body fat percentage were noted in all WD animals compared with ND animals, with the LVR-WD exhibiting the greatest increase due, in part, to their enhanced feed efficiency. Lipid dysregulation was present in all WD rat lines compared with ND counterparts. Furthermore, LVR-WD rats had higher total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and TG concentrations, and higher areas under the curve (AUC) for insulin than HVR-WD and WT-WD, although HVR-WD animals had higher AUC
than both LVR-WD and WT-WD and higher LDL than WT-WD.
In the absence of high voluntary running behavior, the genetic predisposition for high running in HVR did not largely protect them from the deleterious effects of a WD compared with LVR, suggesting genetic factors influencing physical activity levels may, in part, be independent from genes influencing metabolism.