Case I .-Advanced case of leontiasis ossea associated with scoliosis and kyphosis with secondary osteo-arthritis of the spine and multiple rodent ulcers.The patient, J. A., a male aged 54, was first seen on Nov. 4, I940 (Fig. 61). His family history was good, his father died at the age of 84 and his mother at 83, with no history of bone trouble on either side. He has one daughter and three sons, ranging in ages from 6 to 22, and none has shown any abnormality of the bones.The ulcer was I$ in. in diameter and had raised, hard edges like an epithelioma. It had been present for twelve months and was situated midway between the knee and ankle on the inner side of the left leg. It was removed, and the section, to OUT surprise, showed an ulcerated basal-celled carcinoma or rodent ulcer (Fig. 62).He presented himself for treatment of an ulcer of the left leg.