諸井 陽子 1) ,安田 恵 1) ,中村 光輝 2) 赤間 孝洋 1) ,大谷 晃司 1) [Purpose]Accurate selfassessment is a critical skill for medical student professional development.We implemented a scalebased online assessment to capture both faculty and student selfassessment of student performance to investigate the agreement between these assessments.[Method]During the academic year 2018 -2019, 119 4th -year students undertook a halfday medical interview session with a simulated patient, receiving feedback from peers, patients, and faculty. Clinical reasoning, medical interviewing skills, communication, and learning attitude of each student were evaluated by faculty and the students using a fourpoint scale (excellent 4, desirable level 3, minimally acceptable level 2, and below acceptable level 1) . Itemspecific agreement rates were compared by a chisquared test, and adjusted residuals were calculated. P values < .05 were considered statistically significant.