60Bipolar disorder is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder presenting with episodic mood 61 disturbances. In this study we use a transcriptomic imputation approach to identify novel genes 62 and pathways associated with bipolar disorder, as well as three diagnostically and genetically 63 distinct subtypes. Transcriptomic imputation approaches leverage well-curated and publicly 64 available eQTL reference panels to create gene-expression prediction models, which may then 65 be applied to "impute" genetically regulated gene expression (GREX) in large GWAS datasets. 66By testing for association between phenotype and GREX, rather than genotype, we hope to 67 identify more biologically interpretable associations, and thus elucidate more of the genetic 68 architecture of bipolar disorder. 69
70We applied GREX prediction models for 13 brain regions (derived from CommonMind 71Consortium and GTEx eQTL reference panels) to 21,488 bipolar cases and 54,303 matched 72 controls, constituting the largest transcriptomic imputation study of bipolar disorder (BPD) to 73 date. Additionally, we analyzed three specific BPD subtypes, including 14,938 individuals with 74 subtype 1 (BD-I), 3,543 individuals with subtype 2 (BD-II), and 1,500 individuals with 75 schizoaffective subtype (SAB). 76
77We identified 125 gene-tissue associations with BPD, of which 53 represent independent 78 associations after FINEMAP analysis. 29/53 associations were novel; i.e., did not lie within 1Mb 79 of a locus identified in the recent PGC-BD GWAS. We identified 37 independent BD-I gene-80 tissue associations (10 novel), 2 BD-II associations, and 2 SAB associations. Our BPD, BD-I and 81 BD-II associations were significantly more likely to be differentially expressed in post-mortem 82 brain tissue of BPD, BD-I and BD-II cases than we might expect by chance. Together with our 83 pathway analysis, our results support long-standing hypotheses about bipolar disorder risk, 84 including a role for oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, the post-synaptic density, 85 and an enrichment of circadian rhythm and clock genes within our results. 86 87 88Bipolar disorder (BPD) is a serious episodic neuropsychiatric disorder presenting with extreme 89 elation, or mania, and severe depressive states 1 . In tandem, individuals with bipolar often 90 experience disturbances in thinking and behavior, as well as psychotic features such as 91 delusions and hallucinations 1 . Estimates of the prevalence of BPD within the general population 92 range from 0.5-1.5% 1,2 . Bipolar disorder is highly heritable, with siblings of probands at an 8-93 fold increased risk of the disorder 1,2 , and twin studies producing strikingly high estimates of 94 heritability, around 89-93% 1,3,4 . More recently, genetic studies of BPD have indicated SNP 95 heritability estimates of 17-23% 5 . 96 97