It is well known that several 3-keto-4-ene steroids such as progesterone and testosterone are metabolized in a gender-specific or -predominant manner by adult rat liver microsomes. In the male, these steroids are primarily metabolized into two oxidized (16␣-hydroxyl and 6-hydroxyl) products mainly by the respective, male-specific cytochrome P450 subforms, CYP2C11 and CYP3A2, while they are primarily metabolized into the 5␣-reduced products by female-predominant 5␣-reductase in the female. These sexually differentiated enzyme activities are largely regulated at the transcription level under endocrine control. In the present study, we show that unlabeled 16␣-hydroxyprogesterone and 6-hydroxyprogesterone inhibited the 5␣-reductive [ 3 H]progesterone metabolism by adult male rat liver microsomes without significantly inhibiting the CYP2C11 and CYP3A2 activities producing themselves, whereas 3␣-hydroxy-5␣-pregnan-20-one and 5␣-pregnane-3,20-dione not only stimulated the 5␣-reductive metabolism producing themselves but also inhibited the male-specific oxidative metabolism. This finding compels us to propose a novel hypothesis that adult male rat liver microsomes may possess a self-augmentation system regulated by the male-specific products on sexually differentiated steroid metabolism, besides regulation by gene expressions of the related enzymes.It is well established that activities of many steroid-metabolizing enzymes in adult rat liver microsomes are sexually differentiated. The male primarily metabolizes various 3-keto-4-ene steroids such as progesterone (PROG), 1 TEST, and 4-AN into the two oxidized products, 16␣-OH (in some cases, 2␣-OH also) and 6-OH products, mainly by the respective, malespecific cytochrome P450 subforms (P450s), CYP2C11 and CYP3A2, whereas the female metabolizes them primarily into the 5␣-reduced products by female-predominant 5␣-reductase (1-10). Expressions of these sexually differentiated enzyme activities are largely regulated at the transcription level under endocrine control, with the secretory pattern of GH playing a major role. Intermittent and pulsatile (i.e. male pattern) GH secretion induces CYP2C11 gene expression, whereas a more continuous female pattern represses CYP2C11 and CYP3A2 gene expressions and conversely induces 5␣-reductase gene expression (6, 8 -10). Furthermore, sex hormones are thought to affect indirectly these gene expressions by acting on the hypothalamo-pituitary axis that controls the sexually dimorphic pattern of GH secretion (1-3, 6, 7).In the course of our investigation on structural requirements of substrates and/or inhibitors for active sites of CYP2C11 and CYP3A2 in male rat liver microsomes (to be published elsewhere), we unexpectedly found that male-specific products, 16␣-OH-P and 6-OH-P, inhibited female-predominant [ 3 H]PROG 5␣-reductase activity without significantly inhibiting the CYP2C11 and CYP3A2 activities producing themselves, while 3␣-OH-5␣-P and 5␣-P, female-predominant products by the 5␣-reductase, not only stimulated this enzyme acti...