Cell lines transfected with the Swedish Alzheimer's disease amyloid precursor protein APP6701671 mutation release significantly more B-amyloid than wild-type cells. Citron et al. [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1994) in press] have recently shown that fibroblasts carrying the APP670/671 mutation also release more /3-amyloid than control cells [l]. The present study confirms a ca. threefold increase in /3-amyloid release from mutation-bearing fibroblasts. APP mRNA levels did not differ between mutation-bearing and control cells, although mutation-bearing fibroblasts contained significantly more APP751/770 than controls. Mild stress decreased B-amyloid secretion and increased APP751/770 levels in all cell lines. In conclusion, the proportion of APP committed to amyloidogenic processing is increased in fibroblasts from family members with the APP670/671 mutation, and this mutation may also compromise the APP stress response.Key words: Alzheimer's disease; Amyloid precursor protein; APP mRNA; &4myloid; Fibroblast; Foetal calf serum
IntioductionAlzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder defined histopathologically by the excessive accumulation of extracellular proteinaceous deposits (amyloid plaques) and intraneuronal bundles of paired helical filaments (neurofibrillary tangles) throughout the hippocampus and neocortex. A 39-43 amino acid peptide, termed /3-amyloid, has been identified as the major constituent of plaque and cerebrovascular amyloid [2]. This peptide is a metabolite of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), encoded by a gene on chromosome 21 [3]. The identification of pathogenic APP gene mutations in some Alzheimer's disease families has firmly established the importance of APP and /3-amyloid in the aetiology of this disorder [4,51. APP RNA is alternatively spliced in a tissue-specific manner, giving rise to at least ten different mRNA species. These include APP770 with domains showing homology to a Kunitz type protease inhibitor (KPI) and the MRC OX-2 antigen; APP751 which includes the KPI region only; and APP695 which lacks both the KPI and the MRC OX-2 domains [3,&8].Two alternative APP processing routes utilising the as yet We have identified a double mutation in the APP gene resulting in amino acid substitutions of Lys to Asn (codon 670) and Met to Leu (671) in a large Swedish family where Alzheimer's disease is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner [5,16]. Subsequently, it was shown that human kidney 293 and neuroblastoma Ml7 cell lines transfected with this mutation released approximately 7 times more /?-amyloid into culture medium than their wild type counterparts [17,18]. Recently, Citron et al. have shown that /?-amyloid release is increased in fibroblast cell lines from Swedish APP670/671 mutation carriers, co'mpared to control family members [I].In the present study, we quantified B-amyloid release from primary fibroblast cell lines established from heterozygous APP670/671 mutation carriers and control family members using a sensitive ELISA assay [13]. In addi...