Lactoferrin (LF) plays various anti-inflammatory roles in inflammation experimentally induced by lipopolysaccharides (LPS). But the effects of LF on albumin extravasation and neutrophilia have not been elucidated. We aimed to study the effects of LF on albumin extravasation, neutrophilia and/or on other symptoms in inflammation caused by LPS in rats. Human lactoferrin (hLF) was injected (10 mg/100 mL in PBS) 18 h, or 15 min prior to, or 60 min after intraperitoneal injection of LPS in 13 days old Sprague Dawley rats. Prophylactic injection of hLF significantly ameliorated albumin extravasation in ascitic fluid at 5 h and neutrophilia in the blood at 24 h after LPS injection, but the after-injection of hLF did not. Interestingly, an injection of rat anti-TNFα IgG 15 min prior to LPS injection did not ameliorate albumin extravasation. Prophylactic injection of hLF significantly ameliorated other symptoms like mortality, and the decrease of phagocytotic activity of peritoneal polymorpho-nuclear leukocytes (PMNL), but did not ameliorate the decrease of platelets in the plasma. These findings suggest that hLF may be available as a medical treatment prior to surgery for prophylaxis of side effects like albumin extravasation or neutrophilia.Lactoferrin (LF) has diverse homeostatic activities in relation to anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory immunological activities (12, 13). It is reported that prophylactic treatment by injection of human lactoferrin (hLF) reduced lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced TNFα production and the death rate in mice (15). In general, intraperitoneal injection of LPS (LPS-ip-injection), a cell wall component of gram-negative bacteria, induces severe septic like inflammation with production of TNFα and neutrophilia (6) in the plasma of experimental animals. In clinical patients suffering from spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, ascites are frequently found. More than 92% of these patients have monomicrobial infections with aerobic gram-negative bacilli that contain LPS in their cell walls (7). However, it is not known whether a prophylactic injection of hLF has homeostatic effects on albumin extravasation or neutrophilia after LPS-ip-injection. In the present study, we showed gross albumin accumulation in ascitic fluid 5 h after LPS injection in neonatal rats. Using this neonatal model, we examined whether LF had the ability to ameliorate gross albumin extravasations in the peritoneal cavity that followed LPS injection. We also examined changes in blood components like platelets, and what does relate to rat anti-TNFα IgG injected at the same site just prior to LPS injection. We also examined whether hLF had prophylactic effects on the decrease of the phagocytotic activity after LPS injection.