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April 2001
REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVEREDAnnual (1 Apr 00 -31 Mar 01)
TITLE AND SUBTITLEA Novel RNA Virus System for Selective Killing of Breast Cancer Cells
AUTHOR(S)Griffith D. Parks, Ph.D.
PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Wake Forest University School of Medicine Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157 E-Mail: The goal of the proposed work is to develop novel methods based on recombinant SV5 (rSV5) for targeting and killing predetermined populations of tumor cells. During the previous funding period, we have accomplished our proposed phases of the approved tasks. First, we have constructed new chimeric proteins composed of SV5 glycoproteins linked to a single chain antibody (sFv) specific for human HER-2. We have developed an assay to test functional interactions between these chimeras and HER-2, and have used flow cytometry to identify optimal forms of sFv for cell surface expression (Task 1). We are currently testing this chimera for expression in rSV5-infected cells. Second, we have generated human breast cancer cell lines which express the tet-repressor protein (Task 2). These stable cell lines are important as they will serve as the inducible target cells which will be induced to express varying levels of HER-2 to test the specificity of our rSV5 targeting model. Thus, our progress over the last year has resulted in identifying two important components for our research plan: a candidate anti-HER-2 sFv for inserting into rSV5 genome and cell lines which will be the targets for testing the specificity of targeted infection and killing. Introduction.
SUBJECT TERMSViruses and virus-based vectors represent a powerful tool for the delivery of recombinant molecules to cells. However, a major drawback to current systems has been the inability to target and limit an infection by a recombinant virus to predetermined cell types or tissue. The goal of the proposed work is to develop a novel method based on recombinant SV5 (rSV5) for targeting and killing predetermined population of tumor cells. The hypothesis to be tested is that the cell-type specificity of an SV5 infection can be pre-determined by incorporating the appropriate foreign...