Abstract. In experimental and human renal diseases, progression is limited by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Whether renoprotection was due to their capacity of reducing proinflammatory and profibrotic effects of angiotensin II (Ang II) or limiting proteinuria and its long term toxicity is debated. For dissecting the relative contribution of Ang II and proteinuria to chronic renal damage, the protein-overload proteinuria model was used in genetically modified mice lacking the major isoform of murine AT1 receptor (AT 1A ). Uninephrectomized AT 1A ϩ/ϩ and Ϫ/Ϫ mice received a daily injection of BSA or saline for 4 or 11 wk. AT 1A Ϫ/ϪBSA mice acquired a renal phenotype of proteinuria and renal glomerular and tubulointerstitial lesions, albeit attenuated with respect to AT 1A ϩ/ ϩBSA. Administration of the calcium channel blocker lacidipine to reduce BP of AT 1A ϩ/ϩBSA mice to levels of AT 1A Ϫ/ ϪBSA translated into comparable values of protein excretion rate and glomerular and tubulointerstitial injury in both strains. These results confirm that the toxic effect of protein trafficking on renal disease progression is not necessarily dependent on Ang II to the extent that targeted deletion of AT 1A does not prevent disease progression. A role of Ang II via AT 1B or AT 2 receptors is still a possibility that cannot be ruled out by the present experimental approach. These findings provide a clear rationale for specifically targeting proteinuria in pharmacologic interventions of chronic nephropathies.