The cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) effects on the arterial load components, the mechanisms (i.e. haemodynamic changes-dependence) involved in the load reduction and the factors (i.e. basal load conditions) associated with the load changes after CRT, are to be evaluated. Aims: a) to analyze the potential changes in the arterial load components (peripheral resistances, arterial compliance and impedance) associated with the CRT, b) to determine if the load components changes are associated with variations in haemodynamic variables (pressure, heart rate or blood flow), c) to analyze the relationship between the load components basal state and their changes after CRT. To fulfill these aims cardiac and arterial structural and mechanical parameters were non-invasively evaluated in 8 heart failure patients, pre-and post-CRT (23±8 days). The main results were that short-term after CRT: 1) there were changes in the static and dynamic determinants of the arterial load; 2) the changes in the load components were not associated with heart rate or pressure variations, but with blood flow changes, and 3) the load components basal levels and their changes after CRT were associated.