Various etiologies are attributed to the development of subjective tinnitus, but their inter-relationship with the presence of temporomandibular disorders and depression is still poorly understood. To assess the presence of depressive symptoms in individuals with TMD and subjective tinnitus, assessing the impact on their quality of life. This is a cross-sectional observational descriptive study. We evaluated 44 patients in a public University. For TMD diagnosis as well as assessment of depressive symptoms, the RDC/TMD questionnaire was used. Otolaryngological assessment was conducted by means of pure tone, speech, and immitance audiometry. The "Tinnitus Handicap Inventory" questionnaire was also administered. 84% of the individuals with tinnitus had myofascial pain, with the masseter muscle being the most prevalent area of pain, and 16% exclusively had painful and/or degenerative TMJ changes. Among the patients with myofascial pain, 86,5% had depressive symptoms, while among those without myofascial pain, only 42,8% presented these symptoms. Eleven (11) patients (25%) reported slight impact of tinnitus on quality of life, 15 (34%) mild impact, 7 (16%) moderate, 7 (16%) severe, and 4 (9%) catastrophic impact. There was a positive association between the presence of myofascial pain and depressive symptoms (p=0,02), as the intensity of tinnitus increases and the severity of depressive symptoms (p<0,01).
KEY WORDS:Tinnitus; Temporomandibular joint disorders; Depression; Quality of life.
AVALIAÇÃO DA PRESENÇA DE SINTOMAS DEPRESSIVOS E QUALIDADE DE VIDA DE INDIVÍDUOS PORTADORES DE ZUMBIDO E DESORDENS TEMPOROMANDIBULARESRESUMO: Diversas etiologias são atribuídas ao desenvolvimento do zumbido subjetivo, contudo sua inter-relação com a presença das desordens temporomandibulares e depressão é ainda pouco compreendida. Avaliar a presença de sintomas depressivos em indivíduos portadores de DTM e zumbido subjetivo, avaliando o impacto da presença do zumbido na qualidade de vida dos mesmos.
Elisa Lima AlvesAcademic at School of Medicine, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Letícia Raquel BarakyAssociate Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, Federal University of Juiz de Fora -MG. PhD in Science from the University of São Paulo -USP, São Paulo, Brazil.
Letícia Ladeira BonatoDoctoral student in Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Fluminense Federal University; Specialist in TMD and Orofacial Pain, Petrópolis School of Medicine, Petró-polis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
E-mail: Luciano Ambrósio FerreiraDoctoral student in Sciences, School of Medicine, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Ricardo Rodrigues FigueiredoDoctoral student in otorhinolaryngology UNIFESP; Master in General Surgery Otorhinolaryngology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Professor of Valencia Medical School, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Josemar Parreira Guimarães