While much progress has been made in studies of brain energy metabolism, relatively little is known about the biochemical regulation of neural energy metabolic capacity. It is known that the activities of several energy-metabolic enzymes are coupled to the functional activity of nerve cells (Dietrich et al., 1981(Dietrich et al., , 1982Wong-Riley, 1989), but it is not known how neural functional activity signals changes in enzyme activity, or at what levels (transcriptional, translational, distributional, etc.) expression of enzyme activity is regulated. These questions are important if we are to understand how nerve cell activity and nerve cell energy metabolism are linked, and how defective energy metabolic regulation causes neurological and muscular disease (Morgan-Hughes, 1986). These questions are difficult to address in brain tissue by traditional biochemical methods, since the distribution of energy metabolic enzymes is nonhomogeneous at very local (even subcellular) levels in the brain (Dietrich et al., 1981(Dietrich et al., , 1982Wong-Riley, 1989).Received Aug. 21, 1989; revised Oct. 23, 1989; accepted Oct. 25, 1989. This work was supported by NIH grants NS18122 and EY05439 to M.W. We have begun investigating these questions using a mitochondrial respiratory complex, cytochrome oxidase (CO; ferrocytochrome c: oxygen oxidoreductase, EC; for review, see Kadenbach et al., 1987) as a representative energy metabolic enzyme. While CO is well known among neuroscientists as a marker for neural functional activity (Wong-Riley, 1989) it also serves as an excellent model for studying regulation of enzyme activity. CO is a key enzyme of the oxidative pathway, the major pathway ofbrain energy metabolism (Erecinska and Silver, 1989); the activity of CO is regulated by neural functional activity (Wong-Riley, 1989); histochemical (Wong-Riley, 1979) and immunohistochemical (Hevner and Wong-Riley, 1989a) methods have been developed for studying CO in brain tissue; and genomit and cDNA clones encoding most mammalian CO subunits have been obtained and sequenced (Anderson et al., 198 1,1982; Bibb et al., 198 1;Lomax et al., 1984;Parimoo et al., 1984;Bachman et al., 1987;Suske et al., 1987;Zeviani et al., 1987Zeviani et al., , 1988Rizzuto et al., 1988Rizzuto et al., , 1989 Schlerfet al., 1988;Goto et al., 1989;Taanman et al., 1989). Thus, the role of the enzyme is well known, regulation of its activity has been demonstrated, and tools are available for studying its regulation.We recently found (Hevner and Wong-Riley, 1989a) that local differences in CO activity (shown histochemically) seen in the normal mouse and monkey brain reflect similar local differences in CO protein concentration (shown immunohistochemically), indicating that the local activity of CO is normally determined mainly by enzyme protein levels, and not by modulation of the molecular activity of homogeneously distributed enzyme (see Fig. 1). This finding suggested that changes in CO activity induced by altered neural functional activity might like...