Background: Social isolation is one of the treatment problems experienced by many patients with severe mental disorders. Social isolation is an experience of being alone from someone and feeling reluctant towards other people as something negative or a threatening situation.
Aims: The aim of this research is to provide care for social isolation clients with socialization interventions to find them in the canary room of a mental hospital.
Methods: The method used is nursing care which is carried out by applying standard implementation actions which consist of 4 sessions, namely explaining the benefits of many friends, practicing how to get to know each other, practicing conversing and getting to know lots of people.
Result: The patient is in a condition where for the last 2 months he rarely interacts, likes to be alone and stays in his room. During the assessment, the patient became increasingly apathetic.
Conclusion: Based on the evaluation carried out, the client is able to carry out conversation exercises while carrying out daily activities, the client is able to carry out the schedule that has been made together, the client is able to understand the correct use of medication.