It is proved that each strongly η-representable degree contains a set that is a range of values for some 0 -limitwise monotonic function pseudoincreasing on Q. Thus we obtain a description of strongly η-representable degrees in terms of 0 -limitwise monotonic functions.
PRELIMINARIESWe deal with problems arising at the junction of computability theory and the theory of linear orders. The notation and definitions of computability theory are borrowed from [1]. The set of natural numbers {0, 1, 2, . . .} is denoted by ω. We write X − Y for the set-theoretic difference between sets X ⊆ ω and Y ⊆ ω and write X for the complement ω − X of a set X ⊆ ω. If f is some function, then rang(f ) = {y | (∃x)[f (x) = y]} is its range. Let f : A × ω −→ ω; then lim s→∞ f (x, s) is defined and is finite if there exists a number a x such that (∃s 0 )(∀s > s 0 )[f (x, s) = a x ].By writing x . y we mean a bounded difference; namely, x . y = x − y if x y and x . y = 0 otherwise. We fix an arbitrary computable bijective function N : ω −→ Q and define q i = N (i) for any i ∈ ω.A linear ordering L = L, < L is said to be computable if the universe L and the order relation < L are computable. A standard order relation on ω is denoted by <. For an order type of a dense linear ordering with no greatest and least elements, we write η. The set of rational numbers is denoted by Q.