Significant reductions in GABAergic cell numbers and/or activity have been demonstrated in the hippocampus of subjects with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. To understand how different subpopulations of interneurons are regulated, laser microdissection and gene expression profiling have been used to ''deconstruct'' the trisynaptic pathway, so that subtypes of GABA cells could be defined by their location in various layers of CA3/2 and CA1. The results suggest that the cellular endophenotypes for SZ and BD may be determined by multiple factors that include unique susceptibility genes for the respective disorders and altered integration among hippocampal GABA cells with extrinsic and intrinsic afferent fiber systems. The extensive and intricate data that has come from this study has provided insights into how a complex circuit, like the trisynaptic pathway, may be regulated in human hippocampus in both health and disease.GAD67 ͉ potassium ion transport ͉ synaptic transmission ͉ kainate ͉ nicotinic G ene expression plays a central role in the regulation of neural circuitry involved in cognitive behavior. Identifying molecular mechanisms within neurons of complex circuits presents one of the foremost challenges to understanding the human brain. In the past 20 years, postmortem studies of schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) have provided evidence for a dysfunction of GABAergic neurons in frontal cortices and hippocampus (1). It is well known that GABAergic interneurons provide potent inhibitory modulation of principle neurons (2) and are critical for the regulation of feed-forward inhibition (3) and oscillatory rhythms (4, 5). A network of genes involved in the regulation of glutamate decarboxylase 67 (GAD 67 ), a key marker for the GABA cell phenotype (6), shows changes in expression in SZ that are different from those seen in BD, suggesting that there may be unique molecular endophenotypes for each disorder. To learn more about the molecular regulation of hippocampal GABA cells in SZ and BD, a combination of laser microdissection (LMD) and gene expression profiling has been used to ''deconstruct'' the trisynaptic pathway into subtypes of GABA neurons defined by their location and connectivity. Several clusters of genes have been examined across a broad array of cellular functions that include transduction, signaling, metabolism, translation, transcription and cell cycle regulation. These clusters have been separately analyzed in various layers and sectors with a preponderance of GABA cells. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that the regulation of gene expression in GABA cells varies not only according to diagnosis, but also to location within a complex circuit.