This capstone project evaluated the Idaho Plate Method (IPM) as an effective nutrition self-management program for adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with limited health literacy (LHL) in one rural clinic in West Virginia. A one-way pretest-posttest design was used to evaluate the effects of the program on food choices, confidence, and HbA1c. A convenience sample of 30 volunteers participated in the program with 3-month follow-up data collected on 22 volunteers. A Wilcoxon test was conducted to evaluate choices of fruits, vegetables, and fatty foods and participant confidence in making healthful food choices. Data analysis found significant differences in fruit intake (z =-1.98, p 0.05); vegetables intake (z =-2.58, p .01); and skim milk intake (z =-2.094, p .04). There was a decrease intake of French-fries and fried potatoes (z =-2.26, p .02); butter or margarine on bread or pancakes (z =-2.494, p .01); regular fat hot dogs (z =-2.693, p<0.01); and total fat consumption (z =-2.50, p .01). A significant increase in confidence was found in participants ability to prepare or share food with nondiabetics (z =-3.10, p .002); to choose appropriate foods when hungry (z =-2.72, p = .006); to eat smaller portions at dinner (z =-2.46, p.014); and to add less fat than a recipe calls for (z =-2.10, p.035). Paired t-test analysis compared pretest-posttest HbA1c results with a very nearly significant difference between the HbA1c pretest (M = 7.96, SD = 1.83) and posttest (M = 7.34, SD = 1.60), t (24) = 2.02, p.055). Limitations of the study included the study design, lack of participants with LHL, high attrition rate, and study time restraints. Conclusions found, despite limitations, adults in rural WV with T2DM increased confidence in making healthy food choices, choosing healthy foods, and improving their glycemic control using the IPM. iii DEDICATION This author dedicates this Doctoral Capstone project to my family and friends. To my parents, Edward and Martha, who have always encouraged me to do my best in whatever I chose to do. Even though I lost my father during this journey, his spirit remains with me. To my children, Cyndi, Jamie, Nathan, and Randy, who have provided me with their love and support, and have repeatedly told me how proud they are of me. To my grandchildren, Joseph, Tucker, Jake, and Kyndall, who have given me permission to take a break and laugh when I needed it most. To my husband, James, who has shared this journey with me from the beginning; always listening; reminding me why I wanted to complete my DNP; and loving me despite everything. I must also thank a group of loved ones who never saw this day come to fruition, because they are counted in the statistics of those lost in the battle with diabetes-Grandma Ray, Peggie, Grandma and Grandpa Greer, Aunt Ruth, and Aunt Betty. Finally, I must thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and my church family. Had it not been for my faith I would not have finished this journey. Hyperglycemia is cytotoxic to pancreatic beta cells (Weir et al., 2008). Co...