SummarySpontaneous platelet aggregation (SPA) was studied in human whole blood at 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 60 minutes after venepuncture. Using a whole blood platelet counter, SPA was quantified by measuring the fall in single platelet count upon rollermixing aliquots of citrated blood at 37° C. The extent of SPA increased with the time after venepuncture, with a correlation coefficient of 0.819. The inhibitory effect of dipyridamole (Dipy) on SPA was studied: (a) 10 μM at each time interval; (b) 0.5-100 μM at 3 and 30 minutes and (c) 15 μM in combination with 100 μM adenosine, 8 μM 2-chloroadenosine (2ClAd, an ADP receptor blocker) and 50 μM aspirin. There was a rapid decrease in the inhibitory effect of Dipy with the time after venepuncture; the correlation coefficient was -0.533. At all the concentrations studied, Dipy was more effective at 3 minutes than at 30 minutes after venepuncture. A combination of Dipy with adenosine, 2ClAd or aspirin was a more effective inhibitor of SPA than either drug alone. However, when 15 μM Dipy and 10 μM Ad were added together, the inhibitory effect of Dipy was not increased significantly, suggesting that Dipy inhibits platelet aggregation independent of Ad. The increase in SPA with the time after venepuncture was abolished when blood was taken directly into the anticoagulant containing 5 μM 2ClAd. It is suggested that ADP released from the red blood cells is responsible for the increased platelet aggregability with the time after venepuncture and makes a serious contribution to the artifacts of in vitro platelet function studies.