College student engagement is a sense of student engagement in carrying out their learning in terms of academics (expecting good learning outcomes), emotional (curiosity and a feeling of fun participating in class), cognitive (having good self-regulation skills, wanting challenges in learning), and behavior (full attendance and active involvement in class). As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, learning systems around the world have been affected until they suddenly change from face-to-face to online learning. This change in the learning system makes students need to adapt again. In this process, college student engagement becomes a challenge that must be faced. The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of college student engagement during the 2 years of online learning. The total participants in this study were 291 students who had filled out a survey containing open-ended questions. The data in this study were analyzed using MAXQDA 2020 to code and categorize responses. The result is that there is a change in academic engagement to be effective in collecting assignments and being flexible, the grades are also good but not accompanied by understanding the material. In behavioral engagement, attendance is more awake but there is no involvement or activity. In cognitive engagement, there is a new strategy in learning, namely recording and adaptation because it is the responsibility of the learner. Lastly, in emotional engagement, students feel bored, lazier and more stressed during online learning because they cannot meet directly with lecturers and friends.