“…Targeting strategies involve developing cancer communication messages geared for specific groups that may be most in need, or most receptive, to the message (Walkosz, Buller, Andersen, Scott, Dignan, et al, 2008). In contrast, tailoring strategies involve interventions created specifically for individuals based on unique characteristics, such as cancer risk status or readiness for change, have been developed and proven efficacious using print materials, telephone, and individualized web-based channels of communication Personal Cancer Communication 19 (Gil, Mishel, Belyea, Germino, Porter, et al, 2007;Latimer, Salovey, & Rothman, 2007;Mishel, Germino, Gil, Belyea, Laney, et al, 2005;Mooney, Beck, Friedman, & Farzanfar, 2002;Naor, Benac, & Harris, 2007).…”