“…closed-loop,[179][180][181][182][207][208] Phasor diagram of stator currents, 2 Position control,189-190, 218-223 linear feedback, 190-191, 218-220 Vectors, see Space vectors Vector control systems, 159·223 withairgap iluxorientation, 168·174, 199·201 direct, 170·171,200·201 indirect, 171·173, 199·201 with current source inverters, 175· 176, 202·205 with rotor flux orientation, 98·123 direct, 100·105, 117·118 indirect, 106·108, 118·123 with stator flux orientation, 160.168, 197·201 direct, 164·166, 200·201 indirect, 166·168, 197·203 with universal field orientation, 173 Voltage control in scalar speed control systems, 51, 255 52 in voltage source inverters, 130·138 Voltage equation in excitation reference frame, 29 in stator reference frame for T equivalent circuit, 13·15 for r equivalent circuit, 46 for I" equivalent circuit, 55 steady.state, 25 for T equivalent circuit, 25 for r equivalent circuit, 46 for I" equivalent circuit, 56…”