To evaluate the impact of concurrent substance use disorder (SUD) and nicotine-dependence treatment for stimulant-dependent patients.
A randomized, 10-week trial with follow-up at 3 and 6 months post-smoking quit date conducted at 12 SUD treatment programs between February 2010 and July 2012. Adults, meeting DSM-IV-TR criteria for cocaine and/or methamphetamine-dependence and interested in quitting smoking were randomized to treatment as usual (TAU; n=271) or TAU with smoking-cessation treatment (TAU+SCT, n=267). All participants received SUD TAU. TAU+SCT participants received weekly individual smoking cessation counseling and extended-release (XL) bupropion (300 mg/day) during weeks 1–10. During post-quit treatment (weeks 4–10), TAU+SCT participants received a nicotine inhaler and contingency management for smoking abstinence. Weekly proportion of stimulant-abstinent participants during the treatment phase, as assessed by urine drug screens and self-report, was the primary outcome. Secondary measures included other substance/nicotine use outcomes and treatment attendance.
There were no significant treatment effects on stimulant-use outcomes, as measured by the primary outcome and stimulant-free days, on drug-abstinence, or on attendance. TAU+SCT, relative to TAU, participants had significantly better outcomes for drug-free days at 6-month follow-up (X2(1)=4.09, p<.05), with a decrease in drug-free days from baseline of −1.3% in TAU+SCT and of −7.6% in TAU. TAU+SCT, relative to TAU, participants had significantly better outcomes on smoking point-prevalence abstinence (25.5% vs. 2.2%; X2(1)=44.69, p<.001; OR=18.2).
These results suggest that providing smoking-cessation treatment to illicit stimulant-dependent patients in outpatient SUD treatment will not worsen, and may enhance, abstinence from non-nicotine substance use.