Abstract. Let X and Y be infinite graphs, such that the automorphism group of X is nonamenable, and the automorphism group of Y has an infinite orbit. We prove that there is no automorphism-invariant measure on the set of spanning trees in the direct product X × Y . This implies that the minimal spanning forest corresponding to i.i.d. edge-weights in such a product, has infinitely many connected components almost surely. §1. Introduction.There are several natural ways to pick a random spanning tree in a finite graph, notably the uniform spanning tree and the minimal spanning tree (for random edge weights).The limits of these models on infinite graphs sometimes give spanning forests, rather than trees. In this note, we present a large class of graphs where one cannot pick a random subtree in an automorphism-invariant manner.Definition. A subtree Γ = (V Γ , E Γ ) in a graph X = (V X , E X ) is an acyclic connected graph, with V Γ ⊂ V X and E Γ ⊂ E X . If V Γ = V X , then Γ is called a spanning tree of X. By identifying a subtree with the indicator function of its edges, we may view the ensemble of spanning trees in X as a Borel set in the compact metrizable space {0, 1} E X .Theorem 1.1. Let X and Y be infinite, locally finite graphs. Suppose thatis a closed nonamenable subgroup of Aut(X), and H ⊂ Aut(Y ) has an infinite orbit. Then there is no G × H-invariant probability measure on the set of spanning trees of the direct product graph X × Y .Given two graphs X = (V X , E X ) and Y = (V Y , E Y ), the direct product graph X × Y has vertex set V X × V Y ; the vertices (x 1 , y 1 ) and (x 2 , y 2 ) in V X × V Y are taken to be adjacent in X × Y iff either x 1 = x 2 and [y 1 , y 2 ] ∈ E Y , or y 1 = y 2 and [x 1 , x 2 ] ∈ E X .1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 60B99. Secondary 60D05, 20F32 .