The concept of causal nonseparability has been recently introduced, in opposition to that of causal separability, to qualify physical processes that locally abide by the laws of quantum theory, but cannot be embedded in a well-defined global causal structure. While the definition is unambiguous in the bipartite case, its generalisation to the multipartite case is not so straightforward. Two seemingly different generalisations have been proposed, one for a restricted tripartite scenario and one for the general multipartite case. Here we compare the two, showing that they are in fact inequivalent. We propose our own definition of causal (non)separability for the general case, which-although a priori subtly different -turns out to be equivalent to the concept of 'extensible causal (non)separability' introduced before, and which we argue is a more natural definition for general multipartite scenarios. We then derive necessary, as well as sufficient conditions to characterise causally (non)separable processes in practice. These allow one to devise practical tests, by generalising the tool of witnesses of causal nonseparability. J Wechs et ali.e. the unitaries are applied in a 'superposition of orders'. The output state is then sent to a third party C (Charlie) who can measure the control qubit, and possibly also the target system. The protocol just described can straightforwardly be generalised to the case where A and Bʼs operations are general quantum instruments instead of unitaries. This so-called quantum switch can be understood as a quantum supermap [23], or higher order transformation, that maps A and Bʼs local operations to the overall global transformation. It cannot be realised by inserting the local operations into a circuit with a well-defined causal order, and therefore constitutes a new resource for quantum computation that goes beyond causally ordered quantum circuits [4]. It has attracted particular interest as a consequence of being readily implementable, and indeed several implementations have been experimentally realised [24-28]. Consequent work has sought to clarify whether such implementations can New J. Phys. 21 (2019) 013027 J Wechs et al New J. Phys. 21 (2019) 013027 J Wechs et al 12 1 2 (which may be empty), respectively, one must have 18 New J. Phys. 21 (2019) 013027 J Wechs et al W k M k 1 1 is causally separable. 30 New J. Phys. 21 (2019) 013027 J Wechs et al