We study the generic theory of algebraically closed fields of fixed positive characteristic with a predicate for an additive subgroup, called ACFG. This theory was introduced in [16] as a new example of NSOP 1 nonsimple theory. In this paper we describe more features of ACFG, such as imaginaries. We also study various independence relations in ACFG, such as Kim-independence or forking independence, and describe interactions between them. §1. Introduction. The theory of algebraically closed fields of fixed positive characteristic with a predicate for an additive subgroup admits a model companion, ACFG [16]. ACFG is NSOP 1 and not simple, unlike other generic expansions of ACF p , such as ACFA or the expansion by a generic predicate [11], which are simple. The study of NSOP 1 theories has been rekindled due to the recent success in developing a Kim-Pillay style characterization (Chernikov and Ramsey [13]) and a geometric theory based on the notions of Kim-forking and Kim-independence (Kaplan and Ramsey [22]). Various examples of strictly NSOP 1 theories appear since then. Among them are(1) Generic L-structure T ∅ L [25]; (2) Generic K n,m -free bipartite graphs [15]; and(3) omega-free PAC fields [9]. ACFG shares many features with those three archetypical examples. Our example appears to be slightly more complicated than (1) and (2), due to the lack of weak elimination of imaginaries and its more algebraic aspect, which makes it closer to (3). Throughout this paper, we will point out both the similarities and the differences between those four examples, in order to emphasise what might be typical of NSOP 1 theories.We intend to give a description of ACFG based on the study of various independence relations in models of ACFG. In §2, we give basic properties of ACFG. A notion of weak independence (following the denomination of [9]) was already described in [16], and shown to coincide with Kim-independence over models. We prove here that it satisfies all the properties of the Kim-Pillay characterization of simple theories [24] except one: base monotonicity. This phenomenon, not predicted by [22], is similar to the case of (2). We define strong independence-a similar notion appears in (1), (2), and (3)-and we show that it lacks only one property of the