The independent isomeric yield ratio of 148Pr in thermal neutron induced fission of 2asU has been determined experimentally. The fission product 14~pr isomers, extracted directly by on-line mass separation technique, have high-spin (J=4) to low-spin (J= 1) isomer ratio of 0.14 + 0.04 using growth and decay analysis. Statistical model calculation of isomeric yeild ratio using constant initial r:m.s, angular momentum J~ms can not reproduce either present results or other recent measurements of isomer ratios. The Jrms derived from isomer ratio data in all thermal fissioning systems indicate a wide spread ranging from 2h to 13h. No clear correlation between Jrm~ and isomeric spins or number of neutrons of isomers is found, thus, more model refinements and experimental works should be done in order to evaluate independent isomeric yields correctly.