By projecting the BCS ground state of superconducting electron condensate on the N-electron Hilbert space, a real-space equation-of-motion is obtained for the electron pair function ((1, 2) at absolute zero temperature (T = 0): ifi = h4(1,2)@(1,2) dt where pN-2 denotes electron density of the (N -2)-electron condensate given as Since the exchange-correlation potential is given as an explicit functional of electron density, this equation represents the fundamental working equation for the new density functional theory of superconductivity. The 2nd-order density matrix r N ( l , 21 l', 2') projected on the N-electron Hilbert space satisfies so.that asymptotically lim rN(1,21 11,2') = finite lRCM -RyGI I -m 1,2 where RF,y denotes the center-of-mass coordinate of electrons el and e2; this is considered the ODLRO (off-diagonal long-range order) at T = 0 projected on the N-electron Hilbert space. A new attractive potential analysis for the twoelectron scattering problem (A. Tachibana, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 66, 3319 (1993); Int. J. Quantum Chem. 49, 625 (1994)) is straightforwardly applicable to the present equation-of-motion, and we can also plug in the vibronic interaction for the enhancement of the attractive force. Our approach is purely mathematical and basic, restricted merely at T = 0, but proves to serve as a real-space analysis of the pair function itself.Key words: equation-of-motion of electron pair, BCS theory, superconductivity, electron pair function, density functional theory.RkumC : En projetant 1'Ctat fondamental BCS du condensat superconducteur sur l'espace de Hilbert A N-electron, on obtient un Cquation du mouvement en espace rCel pour la fonction de la paire dlClectrons, ((1, 2)