In providing proper treatment for Atrial Fibrillation (AF) patients, the clinician must establish the pattern of arrhythmia, determine associated symptoms, and asses for underlying comorbidities in order to define short-and long-term management strategies. To do so, this paper describes a preliminary study in which a novel ECG-based estimator of the standard deviation of ventricular myocytes' repolarization times (𝑠 𝜗 ) called the 𝒱-index was computed in simulated data, assessing whether the presence of f-waves may corrupt the 𝒱-index. The analysis was performed in simulated ECGs generated by combining synthetic bundles of 300 T-waves with seven different values of 𝑠 𝜗 , with QRS template and 50 f-waves extracted from real data. The results show a strong correlation between the calculated target 𝒱-index (t𝒱-index) and the 𝑠 𝜗 (r = 0.99, p-value < 0.001). They also show the effect of the f-waves in the computation of the 𝒱-index. The 𝒱index calculated with f-waves (f𝒱-index) and after the fwaves were removed (c𝒱-index) had highly significant differences (p-value < 0.001) and significant differences (p-value < 0.05) with the t𝒱-index for values below 53.3 ms, which proves the corruptive effect the f-waves have on the computation of the 𝒱-index and stresses the importance of removing them before attempting further analysis.