We present a systematic description of all warped AdS n × w M 10−n and R n−1,1 × w M 10−n IIB backgrounds and identify the a priori number of supersymmetries N preserved by these solutions. In particular, we find that the AdS n backgrounds preserve N = 2 ]+1 k for 4 < n ≤ 6 supersymmetries and for k ∈ N + suitably restricted. In addition under some assumptions required for the applicability of the maximum principle, we demonstrate that the Killing spinors of AdS n backgrounds can be identified with the zero modes of Dirac-like operators on M 10−n establishing a new class of Lichnerowicz type theorems. Furthermore, we adapt some of these results to R n−1,1 × w M 10−n backgrounds with fluxes by taking the AdS radius to infinity. We find that these backgrounds preserve N = 2 ] k for 2 < n ≤ 4 and N = 2 ] k for 4 < n ≤ 7supersymmetries. We also demonstrate that the Killing spinors of AdS n × w M 10−n do not factorize into Killing spinors on AdS n and Killing spinors on M 10−n .