The incidence of Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, elevated bad cholesterol, triglycerides and heart disease is escalating globally at an alarming rate but there are also those few who are also living longer and healthier lives by avoiding or minimizing the consumption of foods that can contribute to weight gain or worsen diabetes or elevate blood pressure or clog arteries. A number of diets have been found to provide health benefit and wellness. One of the most reliable lessons for developing a personalized diet for living long has been shared by those who have lived long beyond the age of 95. Two of the longest living person so far have indicated that olive oil also a key ingredient of Mediterranean diet and eggs are important keys to longevity. Another key to longevity is the consumption of low starch high fiber vegetables and this has been central to diets from longevity village in China and Okinawa, Japan. Combining these 3 ingredients and spicing with antioxidant rich herbs as well as nutraceuticals like curcumin found in turmeric root has resulted in a wellness food item termed GEGGZA that can be refrigerated for a week and portioned as a meal and consumed after a minute of warming in a microwave on a high setting. GEGGZA is not meant to cure any disease or a treatment but a component of the diet for those with metabolic syndrome that will provide sustained health benefit.