It is also clear from the results using the experimental tumors in relation to both thromboplastic and fibrinolytic properties that the variation in uptake of infused fibrinogen in different experimental tumors might be due to difference in their thromboplastic and fibrinolytic activity. The first purpose of this study is to clarify by using well defined experimental tumors on both properties whether the fibrinogen concentration on plasma may be influenced by the rate and stage of tumor growth, tumor removal or metastatic formation. By the use of technics with radioisotopes or immunoprecipitation, it has been shown the fibrinogen is localized into tumor tissue preferentially and the fibrinogen so localized was deposited as fibrin in the tumor tissue under hypofibrinolytic status. This observation gives rise to the suggestion that hyperfibrinogenemia in tumor bearer may be associated with increased synthesis or decreased degradation. However, little is known about the mechanism controlling the synthesis of fibrinogen in liver of tumor bearer and the kinetics of this process. Especially, so far as we know, the works reporting the exsistence of a substance or substances which serve as chemical messenger to regulate the plasma fibrinogen level of tumor bearer is scanty17) 18) To elucidate these point, following experiments were undertaken. MATERIAL AND METHODS Animals The rats used in these experiments were Wistar strain, Donryu strain and Sprague-Dawley strain. All female rats weighing 100-130 gm. were used exclusively. They were placed in individual cages and fed on Oriental stock diet. Feed and water were supplied ad libitum. Adult male domestic rabbits, from 2 to 3 kg. in weight, were used. They were housed in individual cage and fed on standard laboratory diet with water ad libitum. Experimental tumors The tumors used in these experiments were subcutaneously implanted Walker carcino: sarcom 256, Yoshida sarcoma and ascites hepatoma (AH 130), provided by the Medical Institute of the Sasaki Foundation, Tokyo, Japan. The transplantable V x2 carcinoma provided kindly by Dr. Ito. Y of the Viral Oncology Research Institute of Aichi Cancer Center was used. This carcinoma was transplanted into the thigh muscles of domestic rabbits according to Evans's procedure. 20) S-3 The determination of fibrinogen This was determined by a modification of Quick's methodic'). Venous blood was withdrawn into 2 ml disposable syringes containing 0.2 ml of 3.8 per cent tertiary sodium citrate solution. The plasma was separated by centrifugation for ten minutes at 3,000 r. p. m. The plasma (0.5 ml) was clotted with 0.2 ml thrombin (20 unit per dl) on the presence of 0.15 ml of 4 per cent calcium chloride, 0.05 ml of 5 per cent EACA and 2.5 ml saline and incubated in 37°C water bath for 30 minutes. This clot was digested with 1 ml 1-N sodium hydroxide in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. The digest