Large temporal variations in the nitrogen isotopic composition (d 15 N) of particulate organic matter (POM) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) species in Lake Kinneret occurred in response to seasonal phasing of dominant nitrogen cycle processes. The lowest d 15 N POM values (25.5%) were observed in early winter, a consequence of isotopic fractionation by chemoautotrophic microbial NH Oligotrophic conditions are found in the epilimnion in late summer and early autumn and low (3.3%) d 15 N POM was found during the bloom of the filamentous N 2 -fixing cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon ovalisporum and Cylindrospermopsis cuspis. The d 15 N-dissolved organic nitrogen isotopic signature at this time was significantly higher, 8-12%, suggesting a phytoplankton source from earlier in the seasonal cycle. Overall, the largest known seasonal variations in N isotope composition have been observed in Lake Kinneret, providing a uniquely useful biogeochemical tool for studying N cycling in lakes as well as detecting long-term changes in N source and cycling in response to watershed land use changes and climate change.