In this paper, drawing on literature from both STS and the anthropology of kinship, we describe a political movement aimed at legal reparation for human rights violations perpetrated by the Brazilian government against children of the compulsorily institutionalized patients of Hansen's disease.We conduct our investigation by exploring the action of intertwining technologies -narrated recollections, written documents, and the DNA test -employed by major actors to "reckon" the family connections at the core of this drama. The notion of technologies helps underline not only the materiality of certain processes, but also the complex temporalities at play.Responding to a challenge proposed by Janet Carsten, our ultimate aim is to show how political events as well as collective institutionalized structures -operating through the mediation of these diverse technologies -produce a particular kind of sociality, interwoven with perceptions of family and community.Keywords: kinship, temporality, human rights, DNA, Hansen's disease
ResumoNeste artigo, com inspiração tanto nos estudos da ciência quanto na antropologia do parentesco, descrevemos um movimento político que exige do governo brasileiro reparação legal pela violação dos direitos humanos dos filhos de pessoas compulsoriamente internadas por causa da Hanseníase.Realizamos essa investigação através do exame de três tecnologias interconectadas -narrativas orais, documentos escritos e o teste de DNA -usadas pelos atores principais para "calcular" as conexões familiares no cerne desse