Orchid plants belong to family Orchidaceae which exihibits the large variety in colour, shape and size. Many of orchid plants are used as traditional medicine. The various works has been carried out on orchids in recent past years. The commercial values of orchid are very high due to beautiful flowers, adorn purpose, and medicinal uses. Orchid plants may be lithophytes, epiphytes, terrestrials or saprophytes in nature. Maximum plants of orchid are epiphyte in nature. The family Orchidaceae is a largest, highly developed and most diverse group of plant kingdom, with almost 29,199 species have been identified and accepted with more than 800 genera. In India around 1100 species and 163 genera occurring in different gegraphical regions. Most of the literature reported that orchid plants have different traditional and pharmacological actions. Some species of orchids are under threatened due to some factor like weather, climate, altitudes, temperature etc. It is estimated that approximately 250 species of various categories of orchids are under threats. The present review work focused on uses of orchids and its species under threat. The orchid family plants can be targeted for different disease treatments.