In recent years, a series of novel organic reactions, named "ionic transfer reaction", has received much attention. This kind of reaction has a characteristic mechanism and avoids the use of inflammable, explosive, highly toxic and other difficult to operate reagents. It provides a new powerful tool for transfer functionalizations of unsaturated compounds, such as transfer hydrosilylations, transfer hydrogenations, transfer hydrohalogenations, and transfer hydrocyanations. Herein, the recent progress of ionic transfer reactions and related mechanisms are summarized. Furthermore, the future developments of ionic transfer reactions are prospected. Keywords ionic transfer reaction; transfer hydrofunctionalization; olefins; addition reaction; catalysis 不饱和键的加成反应是有机合成重要的基本反应 之一, 在有机化学漫长的发展历史中, 不饱和键的氢 化、氢卤化和氢氰化等反应被广泛应用于天然产物、药 物和农用化学品的合成中 [1] . 然而易燃易爆或有毒气体 等试剂的使用限制了这些反应的发展 [2] . 转移官能团化 策略, 例如转移氢化 [2] 和转移氢氰化 [3] 等, 可以有效避 免剧毒、昂贵或者不易操作等试剂的使用, 一定程度上 克服了上述限制. 近年来, 一种无金属催化名为"离子 转移反应(ionic transfer reaction)"的新型转移官能团化 策略吸引了科研工作者们的注意, 目前该策略仍然处于 初步发展阶段 [4] .