There can be significant intraspecific individual-level heterogeneity in the intracellular P of phytoplankton, which can affect the population-level growth rate. Several mechanisms can create this heterogeneity, including phenotypic variability in various physiological functions (e.g., nutrient uptake rate). Here, we use modeling to explore the contribution of various mechanisms to the heterogeneity in phytoplankton grown in a laboratory culture. An agent-based model simulates individual cells and their intracellular P. Heterogeneity is introduced by randomizing parameters (e.g., maximum uptake rate) of daughter cells at division. The model was calibrated to observations of the P quota of individual cells of the centric diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, which were obtained using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (SXRF). A number of simulations, with individual mechanisms of heterogeneity turned off, then were performed. Comparison of the coefficient of variation (CV) of these and the baseline simulation (i.e., all mechanisms turned on) provides an estimate of the relative contribution of these mechanisms. The results show that the mechanism with the largest contribution to variability is the parameter characterizing the maximum intracellular P, which, when removed, results in a CV of 0.21 compared to a CV of 0.37 with all mechanisms turned on. This suggests that nutrient/element storage capabilities/mechanisms are important determinants of intrapopulation heterogeneity.
Phytoplankton play an important role in the ecology and biogeochemistry of freshwater and marine systems. Thus, understanding their composition and physiology (e.g., carbon fixation rate) is important. The elemental composition of phytoplankton was originally considered to be relatively uniform (1). However, subsequent research has shown that it can vary between species (2) or clones (3) and within a species under different conditions (4, 5). The composition can also vary within a species under the same conditions. Two measurements of intracellular P are commonly made: cell-based P (mol P/cell), which we refer to as P quota, and biomass-normalized P (mol P/mol C), which we call internal P content. While P quota is generally easier to measure on a cellspecific basis, it is the internal P content that is important for many physiological processes. Recent observations of intracellular P in individual cells have shown significant intraspecific heterogeneity in laboratory and field populations, with coefficients of variations (CV) ranging from 0.08 to 2.11 for P quota and 0.10 to 2.10 for internal P content (Table 1).Heterogeneity in intracellular P may have important consequences because it can result in heterogeneity in physiology (e.g., photosynthesis rate), which can have significant effects on community ecology (6). Specifically, for phytoplankton the specific growth rate (biomass accumulation) is generally considered to depend on the cell quota of the limiting nutrient according to Droop's function (4). Because the function is nonlinear, heterogenei...