Ene rgy e ffic ie nt l igh t ing syst e ms in buil dings w it h int e grat e d ph o t o vo l t aic s
J a nne V i i t a ne n D O C T O R A L D I S S E R T A T I O N SAalto University publication series DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS 18/2015 Energy efficient lighting systems in buildings with integrated photovoltaics Janne Viitanen A doctoral dissertation completed for the degree of Doctor of Science (Technology) to be defended, with the permission of the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, at a public examination held at the lecture hall S1 of the school on 6 March 2015 at 12.
Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation Lighting Unit
AbstractThe goal of this thesis was to study how a building integrated photovoltaic system, choice of lighting technology and the selected system voltage affect the energy efficiency of an office building. The quality of the lighting was considered also, as it is essential that users accept the lighting.The energy production of photovoltaic system (PV) was evaluated in Southern Finland through onsite PV measurements from several different compass points and tilt angles during 2010-2013. Based on the measurements, the PV system was sized to provide energy for lighting and office appliances. The energy efficiency of the devices had considerable effect on the sizing of the PV system. The seasonal variations in the PV production were considerable, as only few per cent of the summer time insolation was available during the winter.The energy efficiency and quality of lighting was studied. Fluorescent lighting (FL) and LED lighting were compared, as they are the most used options in offices today. Lighting measurements and a user study was conducted. Different illuminance levels and correlated colour temperatures (CCT) were studied. The studied parameters included glare, reading task performance, identification of detail, colour naturalness and pleasantness, illuminance level sufficiency and pleasantness, pleasantness of the lighting in general and naturalness of the shadows. The subjects also set their own preferred illuminance levels and CCTs. No major differences were found in the subjective preferences at equal illuminance levels between luminaire types. On average, an illuminance level around 600 lx and a CCT around 4000 K were preferred. LEDs were found more energy efficient than FLs and the difference increased when the luminaires were dimmed.In the last part of the research the electricity consumption of an office building was compared with system voltages 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 48 VDC and 230 VAC through computer simulations in a Matlab-Simulink environment. It was found that 230 VAC was the most energy efficient option as a general system voltage, with the selected components and system variables. The 24 VDC was the most energy efficient option with fluorescent lighting and the 48 VDC with LED lighting, if only the lighting system was considered. Aurinkosähkön tuotantoa Etelä-Suomessa tutkittiin mittausten avulla eri il...