Chemical composition data for fine and coarse particles collected in Phoenix, AZ, were analyzed using positive matrix factorization (PMF). The objective was to identify the possible aerosol sources at the sampling site. PMF uses estimates of the error in the data to provide optimum data point scaling and permits a better treatment of missing and below-detection-limit values. It also applies nonnegativity constraints to the factors. Two sets of fine particle samples were collected by different samplers. Each of the resulting fine particle data sets was analyzed separately. For each fine particle data set, eight factors were obtained, identified as (1) biomass burning characterized by high concentrations of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and K; (2) wood burning with high concentrations of Na, K, OC, and EC; (3) motor vehicles with high concentrations of OC and EC; (4) nonferrous smelting process characterized by Cu, Zn, As, and Pb; (5) heavyduty diesel characterized by high EC, OC, and Mn; (6) sea-salt factor dominated by Na and Cl; (7) soil with high values for Al, Si, Ca, Ti, and Fe; and (8) secondary aerosol with SO 4 -2 and OC that may represent coal-fired power plant emissions.For the coarse particle samples, a five-factor model gave source profiles that are attributed to be (1) sea salt, (2) soil, (3) Fe source/motor vehicle, (4) construction (high Ca), and (5) coal-fired power plant. Regression of the PM mass against the factor scores was performed to estimate the mass contributions of the resolved sources. The major sources for the fine particles were motor vehicles, vegetation burning factors (biomass and wood burning), and coal-fired power plants. These sources contributed most of the fine aerosol mass by emitting carbonaceous IMPLICATIONS A new form of factor analysis, positive matrix factorization, has been applied to PM 10 and two separate sets of PM 2.5 aerosol composition data derived from samples collected in Phoenix, AZ. The results for the two sets of samples were quite comparable, and the results overall show a good resolution of the major sources of atmospheric PM.