In this paper, we consider the components that characterize the essence of human potential and a system of indicators reflecting the influence of the level of its development on the state and effectiveness of the socio-economic system of the region. Based on the analysis of empirical data for the Voronezh region, the assumption about the mutual influence of the level of human development and the economic results of the functioning of regional systems is verified. For this purpose, the authors used the characteristic of such pairs of indicators as GRP per capitathe number of economically active population; GRP per capitaincome per capita; GRP per employed in the economy ↔ nominal wage; average life expectancy ↔ number of doctors per 10,000 population; life expectancy ↔ per capita income; GRP per capita ↔ number of students in higher education organizations. The authors concluded that this assumption is in place, but not to the extent that was originally thought.
Keywordswages, socio-economic development region the level of human potential, human potential quality, indicators, GRP per capita, number of econbomically active population.