The solution to a problem left open in the original paper [1] and solved afterwards is presented. Additionally, a few conflicting notations and a typo are corrected.
Extinction in the critical caseThe critical case λ PF (L) = 0, for which extinction still occurs, was unsolved at the time of writing [1]. It was solved later on thanks to a hint of Adrian Lam, who pointed out that the argument used to establish the upper estimates of [1, theorem 1.2] can actually be used again to solve the extinction case.Consequently, [1, theorem 1.3] should be corrected as follows. The conjecture following [1, theorem 1.3] and the discussion in [1, section 4.1.1] can now safely be ignored.
Theorem (Extinction or persistence dichotomy).1. Assume λ PF (L) < 0. Then all bounded nonnegative classical solutions of (E KPP ) set in (0, +∞) × R converge asymptotically in time, exponentially fast, and uniformly in space to 0. 2. Assume λ PF (L) > 0. Then there exists ν > 0 such that all bounded positive classical solutions u of (E KPP ) set in (0, +∞) × R satisfy, for all bounded intervals I ⊂ R,ν1 N,1 .