Content of abstract sulfur dioxide (SO2) is associated with many physiological and pathological processes in living systems, and excessive SO2 can lead to a series of physiological diseases. Therefore, effective identification and detection of SO2 have significant application value. Recently, many fluorescent probes for the detection of SO2 in biological systems have been reported. Compared with traditional detection methods, fluorescent probe has the advantages of high sensitivity, non-invasive detection and real-time imaging. More importantly, the use of fluorescent probes allows visual detection of SO2 both in vitro and in vivo. Based on different reaction mechanism, the research progress of mitochondrial targeted SO2 fluorescent probes in the past five years is reviewed, and the challenges and development directions in this field are discussed. Keywords mitochondria; fluorescent probe; sulfur dioxide; cell imaging [3][4] . 机体中少量的内源性 SO 2 衍 生物具有舒张血管平滑肌和抗氧化的功能 [5][6] . 然而, 过 量的 3 HSO -/ 2 3 SO -可能会引起呼吸系统、神经系统和心 血管系统多种疾病 [7][8][9] . 因此, 开发高灵敏度特异性识别 SO 2 , 并且靶向定位于线粒体的荧光探针, 实现对线粒 体中 SO 2 的可视化监测对于某些疾病的预防、诊断非常 重要.目前, 用于 SO 2 检测的方法有荧光探针法 [10] 、滴定 法 [11] 、毛细管电泳法 [12] 、流动注射分析法 [13][14] 、离子色 谱法 [15] 、 高效液相色谱法 [16][17][18] 、 电化学法 [19] 等. 其中, 荧 光探针由于操作简单、灵敏度高、成本低、无损等优点, 已广泛应用于生物领域, 如活细胞、组织中化学物质的 监测 [20][21] . 用于线粒体靶向 SO 2 及其衍生物检测的荧光 探针的设计原理主要依据其能够诱导探针光学信号发