Birth is a transition from an underwater life in the uterus to a terrestrial life in a milieu where supply of water is limited. Rapid adaptation to the new environment is crucial for survival and health of infants. The discovery of a family of moleculesaquaporin (AQP) water channels-that are responsible for regulated water transport across cell membranes has made it possible to identify the molecular mechanisms behind the postnatal homeostatic adaptation and to better understand water imbalance-related disorders in infancy and childhood. Water is a prerequisite for life. Water molecules are polar, which allows them to easily form hydrogen bonds with each other and with other molecules. They serve as excellent solvents for a variety of polar substances in the cells. Water provides solvent shells around charged groups of biopolymers. These shells are essential for the biologic activity of proteins (1).It took hundreds of millions years for ancient vertebrate organisms to adapt from a life with unrestricted water supply to a terrestrial life. This adaptation has involved the development of numerous intricate mechanisms and regulatory systems that allow animals to exist in air environment, where supply of water is more or less limited. Now it takes mammals a few minutes to make the transition from an underwater existence in the uterus to a postnatal terrestrial life. The first immediate task a newborn infant has to deal with is rapid removal of water out of lung air spaces. Maturation of kidney concentrating capacity occurs in humans during the first year of life. The capacity to maintain a proper water balance in the brain and to protect from brain edema may take even longer time.Water comprises about 60% of our body weight. In newborn full-term infants, total body water fraction is approximately 75%, and in preterm babies approximately 80 -85% of their body mass (2). The ratio between extracellular and intracellular water content changes dramatically in the postnatal period (Fig. 1). Shortly after birth, the body water mass rapidly decreases. This decrease is mainly due to a reduction of extracellular water fraction, which decreases from about 45% to 30% of total body mass during the first 3 mo of life.As late as in 1990, little was known about the molecular mechanism regulating total body water content and the distribution of water between the extracellular and intracellular space. The discovery of integral membrane proteins that function as water channels (3), resulted in a paradigm shift for the understanding of the mechanisms behind transmembrane water transport, water redistribution processes after birth, and many pathologic conditions related to disturbances in water homeostasis.More than 10 isoforms of water channels, now named AQPs, have been identified in humans to date. Most of them have a common molecular structure, with six transmembrane domains and intracellular NH 2 -and COOH-termini. Functionally, AQPs can be divided into two subfamilies-aquaporins, specialized on transport of water, and aquaglycero...