The GTF2IRD1 gene is of principal interest to the study of Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS). This neurodevelopmental disorder results from the hemizygous deletion of a region of chromosome 7q11.23 containing 28 genes including GTF2IRD1. WBS is thought to be caused by haploinsufficiency of certain dosage-sensitive genes within the deleted region, and the feature of supravalvular aortic stenosis (SVAS) has been attributed to reduced elastin caused by deletion of ELN. Human genetic mapping data have implicated two related genes GTF2IRD1 and GTF2I in the cause of some the key features of WBS, including craniofacial dysmorphology, hypersociability, and visuospatial deficits. Mice with mutations of the Gtf2ird1 allele show evidence of craniofacial abnormalities and behavioral changes. Here we show the existence of a negative autoregulatory mechanism that controls the level of GTF2IRD1 transcription via direct binding of the GTF2IRD1 protein to a highly conserved region of the GTF2IRD1 promoter containing an array of three binding sites. The affinity for this protein-DNA interaction is critically dependent upon multiple interactions between separate domains of the protein and at least two of the DNA binding sites. This autoregulatory mechanism leads to dosage compensation of GTF2IRD1 transcription in WBS patients. The GTF2IRD1 promoter represents the first established in vivo gene target of the GTF2IRD1 protein, and we use it to model its DNA interaction capabilities.
Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS)4 is a relatively rare disorder with an estimated incidence of 1:7,500 -1:20,000 (1). In 95% of cases, this deletion is 1.5 Mb long and results from illegitimate recombination during meiosis between two blocks of low copy repeats (LCRs) that flank the deletion domain (2, 3). To explain the causes of WBS in molecular terms, it is first necessary to identify the genes that underpin each of the disorders. The only symptom that fulfills this to date is SVAS. Haploinsufficiency of elastin due to loss of the ELN gene leads to narrowing of the large elastic aorta and may also affect the pulmonary, coronary, and carotid arteries (4). Accumulating evidence from patients with atypical hemizygous deletions within the critical region indicate that the many of the remaining symptoms, in particular the craniofacial abnormalities, the visuospatial construction deficit and the hypersociability, can be attributed to two genes at the telomeric end of the deletion region, GTF2IRD1 and GTF2I (5-7). These genes share sequence homology and are adjacent, indicating that they have arisen by duplication and divergence from a common ancestor. Functional evidence suggests that these genes encode nuclear proteins with DNA binding capabilities and are widely considered to be transcription factors with specific gene targets (8, 9).The first reported gene product of GTF2IRD1 was Mus-TRD1, which was isolated in a yeast one-hybrid screen for proteins that could bind to a DNA enhancer element present in the TNNI1 gene (10). Human, mouse, and Xenopus orthologs o...