A matching in a graph is induced if no two of its edges are joined by an edge, and finding a large induced matching is a very hard problem. Lin et al. (Approximating weighted induced matchings, Discrete Applied Mathematics 243 (2018) 304-310) provide an approximation algorithm with ratio ∆ for the weighted version of the induced matching problem on graphs of maximum degree ∆. Their approach is based on an integer linear programming formulation whose integrality gap is at least ∆ − 1, that is, their approach offers only little room for improvement in the weighted case. For the unweighted case though, we conjecture that the integrality gap is at most 5 8 ∆ + O(1), and that also the approximation ratio can be improved at least to this value. We provide primal-dual approximation algorithms with ratios (1 − ǫ)∆ + 1 2 for general ∆ with ǫ ≈ 0.02005, and 7 3 for ∆ = 3. Furthermore, we prove a best-possible bound on the fractional induced matching number in terms of the order and the maximum degree.