Modern technology’s key innovation and trend towards improvement is based on the miniaturization process. This trend began in microelectronics and is now present in a variety of fields, including the integration of sensors into lab-on-a-chip platforms. Several research and organic systems, including DNA sequencing, polymerase chain reaction, electrophoresis, DNA division, enzymatic testing, immunoassays, cell counting, cell arrangement, and cell culture, have been scaled down into chip designs as a result of important mechanical improvements. This multitude of parts and systems has permitted us to move from verifications of an idea to significant applications in biomedical sciences, giving biochips that are quicker, less difficult, less expensive, and more impressive than conventional devices. By including blood samples, primary human tissue, and cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cells, as well as by adjusting key physicochemical parameters of the cell culture microenvironment based on personal health data, they can theoretically be “personalized” to reflect an individual’s physiology. The individualized nature of these systems, when combined with relevant physiologically relevant readouts, opens up new possibilities for person-specific evaluations of drug safety and efficacy, as well as personalized approaches to disease prevention and treatment in precision medicine. In this concept, major advantages, challenges, and milestones of lab-on-a-chip devices, and organ-on-a-chip platforms in personalized medicine and healthcare management will be discussed.