Habitat selection behavior is an important predator-avoidance strategy for many organisms. Its particular expression is often explained as the result of a tradeoff between avoiding antagonists and acquiring resources. However, there is need for a broader perspective on this behavior, as organisms are often simultaneously involved in complex antagonistic relationships with multiple types of enemies. We show experimentally that a tradeoff between predator and parasite avoidance may be important in the evolution of habitat selection behavior in the waterflea, Daphnia magna. In this species, negatively phototactic clones suffer less from visually hunting predators by residing in deeper and darker portions of the water column during the day. However, this behavior increases the risk of parasitic infections when the Daphnia are exposed to pond sediments containing parasite spores. Positively phototactic clones, which are at a higher risk of predation, are less exposed to parasite spores in the sediment and consequently suffer less from parasitic infection. We show that the increased risk of infection remains even if the animals change their phototactic behavior on exposure to chemical cues from fish. This tradeoff highlights a substantial cost of predator-induced changes in habitat selection behavior. Tradeoffs caused by multiple enemies may explain genetic polymorphism for habitat selection behavior in many natural populations.I n the face of antagonistic interactions, habitat selection strategies in time and space are essential for the survival of many organisms. Many studies on predation have documented the ecological costs of antipredatory habitat selection behavior, such as reduced food intake, reduced competitive strength, and increased susceptibility to predation by a different kind of predator (1, 2). It has been suggested that such costs favor the evolution of inducible defenses (2) such as diel vertical migration (DVM), which is generally considered to be a predatoravoidance strategy of zooplankton (3-5). In this strategy, the zooplankton reside at greater depths during the day, thus reducing their chance of being detected by visual predators (4, 5). It has been shown that DVM can be induced in several taxa by exposing them to predator kairomones (6-8), i.e., chemical cues that indicate the presence of the predator. Phenotypic variation in induced and constitutive (not dependent on environmental stimuli for activation; ref. 9) DVM has a strong genetic component (8,(10)(11)(12), and the trait shows rapid evolutionary response to changing predator regimes (13).Predators are not the only antagonists that the zooplankton face. Parasites (including pathogens) are common in zooplankton populations, and the fitness costs of infection are severe (14-19). Many parasites produce infective stages within the bottom sediments, where they form long-lasting spore banks (14-16). Because DVM is often so pronounced that the zooplankton reside in, at, or near the bottom sediments during the day (20, 21), we hypothesized that t...