We report layer-resolved measurements of the unoccupied electronic structure of ultrathin MgO films grown on Ag(001). The metal-induced gap states at the metal/oxide interface, the oxide band gap, and a surface core exciton involving an image-potential state of the vacuum are revealed through resonant Auger spectroscopy of the Mg KL 23 (001) is a model system of the metal/oxide interface at the ultrathin limit. Although the structure and the growth mechanism [4][5][6][7][8][9], as well as changes in electronic properties associated with depositing ultrathin films of MgO on Ag(001), have been investigated [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17], capturing the physical nature of such a mixed system, and in particular of the interfaces, remains challenging.In resonant auger spectroscopy (RAS), the Auger process can be very different from that occurring with photon energies far above absorption thresholds [18]. Sub-lifetime narrowing effects [19], as well as strong modulations in Auger signals [20], can occur. Furthermore, depending on whether or not the resonantly excited electron delocalizes to the conduction band before the core-hole decay, the decay process can result in a two-hole (2h) final state ("normal" Auger decay) or in a two-hole and one electron (2h1e) final state (spectator channel of the autoionization process), respectively. These two competing decay pathways are both visible in resonant Auger spectra if the time scale of delocalization is comparable to the core-hole lifetime. Thus, information on the screening of the core hole, the degree of localization of excited electrons, or the charge transfer dynamics at interfaces and surfaces can be obtained [21][22][23][24].In this Rapid Communication, we study the evolution of the layer-resolved Mg KL 23 L 23 Auger transition for a 3 monolayer (ML) thick MgO film grown on Ag(001), in a photon energy range corresponding to the Mg K edge. In good agreement with density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we show that the intensity evolution of the resonant Auger spectra with the photon energy allows us to get a layer-by-layer mapping of the local density of empty Mg p states probed by the excited photoelectron in the intermediate dipole transition [25]. We find that, in the pre-edge region, the Auger spectra mostly consist of a single Auger component, the one of the metal/oxide interface, demonstrating the metallic * Corresponding author: thomas.jaouen@unifr.ch character of the oxide interface layer due to the presence of metal-induced gap states (MIGS). We measure the MgO surface band gap and a spectroscopic fingerprint of a surface core exciton involving an image potential state of the vacuum.All experiments were performed at the Photoemission and Atomic Resolution Laboratory (PEARL) beam line situated at bending magnet X03DA of the Swiss Light Source. The MgO films were grown in situ on Ag(001) (for details see Ref.[5]). X-ray absorption was measured by recording the total electron yield (TEY) and RAS was obtained at room temperature using a VG Scienta EW4000 ...